Becoming a Bear Smart Community


The future of bear conservation and human-bear conflict lies in our communities. As more people move into bear habitat, the likelihood of a negative interaction increases. If we want to prevent this from happening, we need to make sure our communities are bear smart.

The BC Ministry of Environment has created a program called Bear Smart Communities that helps communities reduce the number of human-bear conflicts in their area by working together with local authorities and partners such as government agencies, First Nations groups and schools.

What is a Bear Smart Community?

A Bear Smart Community is a community that is working to reduce human-bear conflicts by implementing a variety of measures to reduce human-bear interactions. These include:

  • educating the public about appropriate food storage and garbage disposal;

  • reducing attractants that may draw bears into residential areas;

  • encouraging people who live in bear country to get involved with their local government and other groups that are working on bear issues; and

  • having a Bear Smart Community Coordinator who works closely with all stakeholders (including government agencies) to implement these measures.

How do we become a Bear Smart Community?

To become a Bear Smart Community, you must complete an online application. The process is free of charge and there are two categories of Bear Smart Community - one for First Nations communities and one for non-First Nations communities.

Once you have submitted your application, it will be reviewed by the BC provincial government's wildlife branch. If they approve your request to become a Bear Smart Community, they will send you information on how to proceed with implementing bear safety measures in your area.

What are the benefits of becoming a Bear Smart Community?

  • Reduce human-bear conflicts

  • Reduce bear mortality

  • Improve public safety

  • Increase tourism, which can lead to increased property values and community pride

How do I become involved in my community to make it bear smart?

To make your community bear smart, you can do a number of things. First, you can get involved with your local government and help educate others about how to make their homes safe from bears. You may also want to consider getting a bear resistant garbage can for your home or business. You should also consider increasing enforcement against illegal feeding and attractants.

Becoming a bear smart community involves many different people and organizations working together

BearSmart BC is a collective of people, organizations and communities working together to prevent human-bear conflicts. Becoming a bear smart community involves many different people and organizations working together.

  • Community leaders: These are the people who oversee your community's operations on a day-to-day basis. They can include mayors, councillors or band councils; fire chiefs and other emergency responders; business owners; residents who live in bear country; government agencies that manage natural resources or wildlife management programs (such as BC Parks).

  • Municipalities: Municipalities have legal responsibility for managing public lands within their boundaries so they play an important role in creating policies and plans for managing bears within their communities.

  • First responders (police/fire): Police officers and fire fighters need to know how best respond when there is an encounter between humans or pets with bears so they're ready if needed - this includes knowing where local wildlife offices are located!


I hope that you are as excited about becoming a bear smart community as I am! It's a great way for everyone in your community to work together and make our neighborhoods safer for bears, humans and pets alike. If you or someone else in your neighborhood wants to get involved but doesn't know where to start, feel free reach out - we would love help from anyone who wants it!


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